Poll Results: Has COVID-19 Changed Your Plans for Thanksgiving This Year?

Earlier this week, we asked readers “Has COVID-19 Changed Your Plans for Thanksgiving This Year?” A total of 169 votes were submitted and the results are now in!

The majority of respondents said that COVID-19 has not impacted their Thanksgiving and that it would be “the same as in the past,” with 63.31 percent (107 readers) of the vote. This was followed by yes their plans have been affected  “because of COVID” with 32.54 percent (55 readers), while 4.14 percent (7 readers) answered “Yes but not because of COVID.”

As a second surge of COVID-19 impacts the world, many have been left unsure of how to operate during the holidays. While some families will not be celebrating Thanksgiving as usual next week, others see the opportunity to gather together as much-needed. It will be interesting to see if COVID-19 cases rise over the next few weeks as many travel and leave their homes.

Disclaimer: These polls are to measure the opinions of our readers, and the results reflect the views of those who choose to respond. These polls are opinion-based and not proven, nor based on scientific methods of sampling, data collection, and analysis. We encourage all readers to be informed and educated based on scientific methods of data collections.