Newt Gingrich on Fox & Friends | April 12, 2021

Newt talks about the absurdity of the actions Democrats hope to pass by ramming various bills through Congress and why it will backfire.


Newt Gingrich
Fox & Friends
April 12, 2021


Well, look, they are right as long as nobody knows what’s in the bill. It’s a lot like HR1, the crooked politician act, which is vaguely popular until you explain what’s in the bill and then it has 75 to 90% disapproval. Same thing here. When people realize how little of this bill goes to genuine infrastructure – roads, ports, bridges and how much of the bill is just more pork for the Democratic machine. They are in a desperate race to prop up every public employee union, prop up every blue state. You know, New York is now paying $15,000 to illegal immigrants per person. Well New York has to get the money somewhere, why don’t we call it infrastructure? That’s the kind of thing that’s going on.


Look, I think every American should demand they get at least as much money as illegal immigrants in New York. You want to know why people are coming to the border? Because folks in Central America are learning get to New York and Cuomo wants to give you $15,000. Well, why not? What Buttigieg called semantic is whether words have meaning. Of course, you now have on the left the Oregon Department of Education says we shouldn’t really use numbers in mathematics because numbers give you a hard answer and that’s an example of white supremacy. So why don’t we have a mathematics of touchy feely. Well, that’s what you get with the Biden administration. This is Alice is in Wonderland: “It really means what I say it means because I said it means it. Don’t you really trust me?” It’s nonsense. The result is going to be a disaster for the country with, I think, no ability to compete successfully with China with a Biden administration’s approach.


My reaction is, first of all, if you are going to spend a couple trillion dollars and you can’t find somebody who is for it, you better redesign the bill. I mean, this is absurd. Secondly, they have to keep redefining words just as they have with the state of Georgia because if they tell the truth, they are going to lose. This administration and its allies will consistently use language that makes no sense in order to win arguments where they don’t have the facts on their side.


Well, let me offer you a thought. I was trained originally as a historian. If you look at a piece of history, sometimes the obvious is accurate. They wanted Harris to be in charge of the border because they knew she wouldn’t do anything. This is not a mistake this is why they refuse to call a crisis. They want the border to be open. Go back and look during the presidential primary debate. They all are in favor of open borders. They are all in favor of eliminating ICE. They are all in favor of eliminating any threat to sanctuary cities. So, from their perspective, the next 10 or 15,000 people, you know, are good because it further increases the total number of illegal immigrants in the United States, which is what they want. You know, I think somebody said that Biden has invented a whole new policy of grab and bus rather than grab and release.


But of course it’s working. What if your goal was to have the maximum number of illegal people in the United States?


Exactly. I was reminded, I once asked the Chinese ambassador to the United States about concentration camps in western China with the Uyghurs and he looked at me without breaking a smile and he said “Oh, don’t think of them as concentration camps. Think of them as boarding schools to help people learn to be modern.” Now, somebody who can talk about a concentration camp as a boarding school can say anything. This administration is filled with people who have a whole new racism which whether it’s reparations, what they’re teaching in school, the way they want to set up all sorts of systems. This is the new racism, and how do they cover it up? They yell Jim Crow and point at Georgia when, in fact, they are the new racists. I think what you are going to find is on area after area, they are so radical ,that they have to use language that does not accurately describe what they’re doing because if people understood it, they would go nuts.


Two things here, first of all, moving the all-star game from Georgia to Colorado moves it from a state that has 83,000 people working in black-owned businesses to a state that has 8,000 people that are working in black owned businesses. So, in a way the all-star decision is a very anti-black decision in terms of the economic impact on small business owners. Second, what Clyburn just said, with all-due respect, is totally false. This whole thing President Biden set up because of Stacey Abrams’ total misinformation, obviously if you are thirsty in Georgia in August you can get water. You get it from the election poll workers. You don’t get it from a campaign. Now, that’s what the whole argument is. Should a campaign be allowed to bring you some bourbon, maybe a little beer, some white wine? No, the ground rules are very simple..