Newt Gingrich

Audio: Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Think Joe Biden Should Debate President Trump

By Newt Gingrich | August 27, 2020
Newt Gingrich Audio: Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Think Joe Biden Should Debate President Trump

One of the most interesting things developing today was Nancy Pelosi suggesting that she doesn’t think that Joe Biden should debate president Trump at all.

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Newt’s World – Episode 114: The War on the Suburbs

By Newt Gingrich | August 26, 2020
Washington War on the Suburbs Newt's World Podcast

There is a war on the suburbs in this country, when Washington bureaucrats come into your town and force changes in local zoning laws in the name of fair housing. This is how one county in New York fought back. Newt’s guest is Rob Astorino, former Westchester County Executive.

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President Trump’s Contract with America

By Newt Gingrich | August 26, 2020
President Trump's Contract with America Newt Gingrich

The point is that the historic record of the first term indicates that the president will treat this list of 50 major goals as a contract. And, he will build his second term around fulfilling his obligations to it – and the American people.

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Newt Gingrich on Fox and Friends | August 25, 2020

By Newt Gingrich | August 26, 2020
Newt Gingrich on Fox and Friends | October 8, 2020

Newt talked with the hosts of Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends about the start of the Republican National Convention.

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Newt Gingrich on Watters World | Fox News Channel | August 22, 2020

By Newt Gingrich | August 26, 2020
Newt Gingrich on Watters World | Fox News Channel | August 22, 2020

“I’m predicting that it will be a dramatically bigger victory than people currently expect,” Newt Gingrich told Jessie Watters on his show.

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Audio: Portland has Turned the Corner

By Newt Gingrich | August 25, 2020
Newt Gingrich Audio: Portland has Turned the Corner

I did an article two years ago, “The Democrats Have No Idea What Demons They Are Unleashing.” In the article, I cited the Jacobins, the most violent and radical political group of the French Revolution. I had no idea when I wrote this two years ago, how much it would become true in Portland.

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Newt’s World – Episode 113: Why is Rob Smith Problematic?

By Newt Gingrich | August 23, 2020
Rob Smith Podcast Rob Smith is Problematic

Introducing “America’s Favorite Black, Gay, Veteran, Republican” Rob Smith. Rob lets the radical left know they don’t own him, but his problematic views sometimes rattle conservatives too. His new podcast, Rob Smith is Problematic, is part of the Gingrich 360 network.

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Newt’s World – Episode 112: Election 2020 – Democratic National Convention

By Newt Gingrich | August 22, 2020
Democratic National Convention 2020

Newt describes his personal experiences of being involved in conventions of years past and the enthusiasm of the convention delegates and participants. He shares his reaction to the 2020 Democratic National Convention and how the pandemic has changed the convention experience.

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Newt’s Inner Circle Live Event | August 21, 2020

By Newt Gingrich | August 21, 2020

Video from August 21st Inner Circle Live Event with Newt.

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The Light and the Darkness: Biden Got It Backwards

By Newt Gingrich | August 21, 2020

While the Joe Biden acceptance speech was a tactical success and ended the Democrat’s convention week on a high point, it may have strategically set up the rest of the campaign to Biden’s enormous disadvantage. His theme of “the light and the darkness” is a theme President Donald Trump should embrace, embellish upon, and emphasize again and again.

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