Forget Vladimir Putin: To the American political left, Benjamin Netanyahu is public enemy No. 2, trailing only a certain billionaire from Queens.
Indeed, Democrats and progressives view Israel’s right-wing prime minister as a corrupt and racist authoritarian who is destroying liberal democracy.
This antipathy led many left-wing Americans, even Democratic presidential candidates, to campaign against Netanyahu before Israel’s parliamentary elections last April.
Kamala Harris and the Anarchists; the Joe Biden We Know; Under President Trump, America Has Retaken the Lead in Space; Trump Tweets While California Burns; Opportunity Zones Key to Lifting People Out of Poverty
I did an article two years ago, “The Democrats Have No Idea What Demons They Are Unleashing.” In the article, I cited the Jacobins, the most violent and radical political group of the French Revolution. I had no idea when I wrote this two years ago, how much it would become true in Portland.
President Trump has made it clear that he wants to make Republicans the “party of health care.”
He has issued several executive orders that have made more affordable health coverage options available to Americans, both by stabilizing the broken Obamacare individual market and by giving Americans more alternative health plan choices.
In what many referred to as the “most important speech of his entire career,” Joe Biden sought to capture the “heart and soul” of the nation during his closing remarks at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) last Thursday night. He said that we as Americans will, “choose hope over fear, facts over fiction (not ‘truth over facts’), fairness over privileged.” The DNC’s 2020 conventions had its fair share of pre-crafted, boiler plate speeches and Biden’s acceptance address for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States was no different.
Click Here to ContinueLast week, we asked readers, “The Democrats and Republicans are trying to negotiate the next Coronavirus relief package, but they are in a stalemate in the negotiations. What do you think they need to do?” Six hundred and seventy-eight of you responded, with 48.08% (326 readers) saying that “The Republicans should not give in. The Democrats are trying to pay off their allies by wedging in non-coronavirus bailout money into the bill.”
Click Here to ContinueWhile the Joe Biden acceptance speech was a tactical success and ended the Democrat’s convention week on a high point, it may have strategically set up the rest of the campaign to Biden’s enormous disadvantage. His theme of “the light and the darkness” is a theme President Donald Trump should embrace, embellish upon, and emphasize again and again.
Click Here to ContinueWhat Newt’s Reading: Nancy Pelosi Goes Politically Postal; Republican Running for Elijah Cummings’s Seat Goes Viral With Black Lives Matter Ad; Critics Pan DNC Virtual Convention, Compare to ‘PBS Telethon,’ Long YouTube Ad; Leo Terrell: The Democratic Party Left Me This Year — Here’s What I Am Going to Do Now; How Payroll Tax Suspension Helps 140 Million Workers
Anyone who really wants Arab-Israeli peace should be applauding the agreement to normalize relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The deal is historic: While Egypt and Jordan have had peace treaties with Israel for decades, the UAE is the first Arab country to go a step further and become friends with the Jewish state. Indeed, Abu Dhabi and Jerusalem are preparing to cooperate on scientific and economic projects, and the Israeli and Emirati peoples are preparing to develop intimate ties through trade and tourism.
I really recommend you watch the video below from Kim Klacik, she’s a candidate for Congress. I think she is a remarkable talent. She is blunt and direct. She takes us through the streets of Baltimore and points out how much the liberal Democrats have failed. But more importantly, this is probably as powerful and as direct an indictment of the old order as I’ve seen.