Recall Gov. Newsom Newt's World Podcast

Newt’s World – Episode 198: Radical California and the Newsom Recall

The citizens of California are fed up with government shutdowns, schools that are closed and a Governor who dines at restaurants like French Laundry while the rest of California is barred from eating indoors. A grass roots effort by Californians to recall their Governor, Gavin Newsom, is underway. Newt’s guest is Anne Dunsmore, Campaign Manager and Finance Director of Rescue California.

Newt Gingrich Big Tech CEOs - The American Oligarchs of the 21st Century

Big Tech CEOs – The American Oligarchs of the 21st Century

These American oligarchs are none other than the Big Tech CEOs who own Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and Google. Once these men were the epitome of American entrepreneurial spirit, but they have transformed into invisible puppet-masters of our daily life.

Dennis Prager Newt's World Podcast

Newt’s World – Episode 186: Dennis Prager on ‘The Good American’

We are watching Americans accept the morally indefensible physical and economic lockdown of the country. Now we are faced with a lockdown on speech which has never before been seen in America. Newt’s guest is Dennis Prager, who asserts in his new column, The Good American, “The left-wing media are using the mob invasion of the Capitol exactly the way the Nazis used the Reichstag fire.” His new documentary, No Safe Spaces, is available to stream now.

How do Americans Feel about Impeachment and Big Tech?

How do Americans Feel about Impeachment and Big Tech?

This past week’s chaos at the US Capitol continues to affect the socio-political climate in the country. Not only are impeachment discussions over President Trump starting again, but the president’s numerous bans across social media platforms have created worry among Americans. 

The US and China: Two Competing Visions

The US and China: Two Competing Visions

The US and China are competing for global influence, and Beijing’s pitch to the world is simple: Choose us, and through economic development, we’ll make you rich more efficiently. Plus, the pitch continues, we don’t care what you do inside your own borders; just don’t question what we do either, follow our rules, and we all prosper. This message is appealing to developing countries, which want more money, and non-democratic countries, which don’t want to be bothered about democracy and human rights. But even Western countries can be seduced by Chinese money and talk of major infrastructure projects.

Newt Gingrich on Fox and Friends | October 8, 2020

Newt Gingrich on Fox and Friends | Dec 7, 2020

Newt on the upcoming Georgia runoff election: “This election is going to come down to turnout. Republicans simply have to turn out more votes than Stacey Abrams can steal.”