Rob talks about how the politics of revenge and left-wing media are influencing the ongoing Kyle Rittenhouse trial with Megyn Kelly.
Click Here to ListenFor this podcast, Rob discusses how the left is trying to destroy traditional masculinity and why men must stand up against them.
Click Here to ListenFor this podcast, Rob discusses how Democrats are doubling down on the obsession with race and racial politics that is costing them elections.
Click Here to ListenRob discusses why there will be massive implications for America in 2022 and beyond regardless of who wins the Virginia gubernatorial race.
Click Here to ListenRob dives into what he thinks is one of the most interesting political movements happening right now in New York regarding vaccine mandates.
Click Here to ListenIn this episode, Rob calls out the right for the toxic callowness of how we’re treating the Alec Baldwin shooting tragedy.
Click Here to ListenFor this podcast, Rob discusses the implications of the Biden administration being caught flying illegal immigrants across the country.
Click Here to ListenFor this podcast, Rob explains why our inability to speak openly and honestly about issues is driving the world toward insanity.
Click Here to ListenFor this podcast, Rob talks how Americans of all stripes are standing up against vaccine mandates, including NBA star Kyrie Irving.
Click Here to ListenRob breaks down what Yang is saying, because he’s spurring one of the most important political conversations that we can have in our society right now.
Click Here to Listen