Aaron Kliegman Woke Antisemitism Is on the Rise

Woke Antisemitism Is on the Rise

One would think progressives, supposed champions of social justice, would be more eager than anyone to defend a historically oppressed group currently under attack. But apparently not when the victims are Jews.

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The Only Way to Remove North Korea’s Nukes

The Biden administration’s recently unveiled policy toward North Korea won’t work. There’s only one way to denuclearize the hermit kingdom: Compel China to intervene by threatening to support a Japanese and South Korean nuclear bomb.

Aaron Kliegman Hamas Woke Left

Israel’s Audacity to Survive

Woke leftists simply oppose the military action of some states but uniquely hate Israel with a visceral passion. Indeed, a clear and ugly implication underlies all the far-left criticism of Israel’s conduct: that Israelis should just let themselves be killed by Hamas’s rockets rather than fight back.

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Aaron Kliegman As Israelis and Palestinians Fight, Iran Smiles

As Israelis and Palestinians Fight, Iran Smiles

Hardly anyone’s saying it, but Iran is ultimately to blame for the latest round of violence between Israel and the Palestinians. The Biden administration should take note: Giving money to Iran means giving money to the Palestinian terrorists firing rockets at our Israeli allies.

Aaron Kliegman Macron French Military

A Warning from Our Oldest Ally: Wokeness is Destructive

France, once a great nation, is disintegrating right before our eyes. The real culprits are not the Islamists, however; they are anti-racism and multiculturalism, dangerous ideas smartly named to hide a radical agenda.

Aaron Kliegman Biden Nanny State

From Safety Net to Nanny State

Biden’s agenda, which the Democrats and the media endorse, would make the American people dependent on the government literally from cradle to grave.

Aaron Kliegman Iran Kerry Zarif

Iran’s Main Man in Washington

If Kerry, now President Biden’s special envoy for climate, really did reveal information about Israeli covert operations to Zarif, that’s outrageous. It would mean he betrayed our Israeli friends to benefit an Iranian regime that chants “death to America” and “death to Israel.” 

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