Newt Gingrich on Fox and Friends Fox News Channel: May 4, 2020

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Monday made clear that the ongoing feud between the United States and China involves a “competition with a dictatorship with no sense of honesty.” Newt Gingrich explains how President Trump can get the U.S. economy back to the levels it was before COVID-19 pandemic

Pelosi’s Radical Bill – Part 1: Serial Killers

Nancy Pelosi’s radical $3 trillion bill has many provisions in it, that if passed, would dramatically change our country. In this episode, Newt discusses the potential release of prisoners who meet certain criteria, many of whom are some of the nation’s most dangerous serial killers. Part one of a special podcast series detailing Nancy Pelosi’s so called HEROES Act.

Meet the Press, or Lie to Americans: Which Show Is It?

Last Sunday, host Chuck Todd’s hatred of President Trump went over the top and evolved from mere snarky comments, biased questions, and stacked information into an outright lie about the attorney general of the United States.

The Truth with Lisa Boothe Podcast Guest President Donald Trump

Trump’s Social Media Advantage

The rise of social media has transformed the way politicians communicate with Americans at a scale that has not been seen since the development of radio and television.