Memory Holes, Mobs and Speaker Pelosi

Memory Holes, Mobs, and Speaker Pelosi

The one-woman mob inside the Capitol, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, decided on her own to take down four paintings of Speakers of the House who had served the Confederacy. They will now be hidden in the Pelosi memory hole.

NY City Mayor Bill De Blasio

Bill de Blasio Continues to Target New York’s Jews

Protesters can pile on top of each other by the thousands and New Yorkers can enjoy parks in some areas, but Jewish children, restless from being quarantined, are unable to play outside and breathe fresh air. The hypocrisy is remarkable.

Google Headquarters

What Newt’s Reading | June 19, 2020

What Newt’s Reading: A Fresh Sign of Google’s Excessive Power; Amazon Doubles Down on Excluding Some Conservative Nonprofits From Customer Donations; The Media Said Trump Didn’t Have a COVID Testing Strategy. The Media Was Wrong; and Kneeling During the Anthem Isn’t Protesting Against Racism. It’s Protesting Against America.

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Trump and Pence at the White House

5 Stories to Watch Next Week | June 19, 2020

5 Stories to Watch Next Week: Facebook Removes Trump Campaign Ads for Violating Policy Against ‘Organized Hate’; Supreme Court Blocks Trump’s Bid to End DACA; More fallout from John Bolton’s forthcoming book; Escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula; and Next steps in China-India border clashes.

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Columbus Statues Erasing History

The Rioters Are Trying to Erase History

Over the past couple of weeks, protesters and rioters have demolished statues and other historical monuments across America and Europe.

Joe Biden Promises to Pay Reparation

Audio: Joe Biden Promises to Pay Reparations

The most important events this week were Joe Biden’s visits to the NAACP and California legislature, where he promised to pay reparations to the ancestors of slaves. This concept of paying for past sins is an impossible task to qualify or administer. It is just a tax on everyday people and a transfer of wealth. Eventually, paying reparations becomes everyone claiming discrimination in some form or another against everyone else. It would become an endless cycle of shifting money.

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Seattle ANTIFA The War Against America

Audio: The War Against America

When I use the phrase “War Against America,” some might think I’m exaggerating. But look at Seattle, where an ANTIFA group has taken over a set of city blocks and a local police precinct. Look at the reactions of left-wing politicians and media. They are celebrating this as the start of the summer of love. What you’re really seeing are acts of lawlessness and violence. We have to confront this situation as a severe threat against the United States of America and decide if the country will survive as a constitutional republic with the rule of law.

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Joe Bizarre Moments

Biden in His Own Words – Bizarre Moments

Former Vice President Joe Biden has had his fair share of slip-ups. Everyone makes mistakes. However, how many is too many? The media and the Democrats often focus on President Trump’s tweets or off-handed comments. However, Biden is far from immune to foot-in-mouth disease.