The Civil War Collection Newt Gingrich

From the Winston Group: What’s Next for House Republicans?

The more that Congressional Republicans can make 2022 about key issues like the economy rather than personality and negative attacks, the more this construct will be a strategic
advantage for Republicans and help them build the majority coalition that is needed.

Rush Limbaugh: Tribute to a Great American

Rush Limbaugh: Tribute to a Great American

Rush Limbaugh’s passing is a tragic moment. Callista and my sympathies go out to his family and loved ones. He was a wonderful man and one of the great heroic figures of the conservative movement.

Speaker Pelosi, Take Down the Capitol Fence

Speaker Pelosi, Take Down the Capitol Fence

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s fence around the US Capitol is an eye sore, an insult to the American people, and an embarrassment for the Unites States around the world.

Biden Risks Undermining US-Israel Alliance

President Joe Biden has been in office more than a month, and he still hasn’t called the prime minister of Israel, one of America’s closest allies. This delay would seem less like a snub if Biden hadn’t already called so many of America’s other allies — and touted those calls publicly.