Callista Gingrich Giving Parents the Choice May 2021 HiRes

Giving Parents the Choice

School choice programs give families the freedom to choose the type of education that is best for their children and ultimately the knowledge, skills, and values they need to succeed.

Newt and Callista Joint Piece Armed Forces Day

Celebrating our Heroes on Armed Forces Day

The security of our freedom, democracy, and homeland are made possible through the selfless courage, patriotism, and sacrifice of our American military heroes and their families. May God continue to bless and protect them.

Aaron Kliegman As Israelis and Palestinians Fight, Iran Smiles

As Israelis and Palestinians Fight, Iran Smiles

Hardly anyone’s saying it, but Iran is ultimately to blame for the latest round of violence between Israel and the Palestinians. The Biden administration should take note: Giving money to Iran means giving money to the Palestinian terrorists firing rockets at our Israeli allies.