Gingrich 360 Poll Poll Results: Which Path Should the GOP Take Going Forward?

Poll Results: Which Path Should the GOP Take Going Forward?

Last week, we asked readers to choose from three possible paths that the Republican party can follow for the future. Newt discussed these three possibilities and where he felt the party might go last week with Sean Hannity. A total of 2,685 readers weighed in with their thoughts on this pressing topic.

Donald Trump's Second Impeachment Trial Gingrich 360

Our Latest Poll: Long or Short Impeachment

Our Latest Poll: During his appearance on Hannity TV, Newt discussed the strategies Donald Trump’s impeachment defense team could take. They could rush the trial to minimize the Democrats’ public spectacle, or they could drag it out by introducing numerous witnesses in the former president’s defense to share his side of the story. Which tack should they take?

Donald Trump's Second Impeachment Trial Gingrich 360

Poll Results: Should the Filibuster be Abolished in the US Senate?

Last week, we asked readers “Should the Filibuster be Abolished in the US Senate?” following debates between Republicans and Democrats in recent weeks over the filibuster’s status. A total of 790 readers contributed their thoughts on this important issue.

Gingrich 360 Poll Results: Will you watch the inauguration on Jan. 20?

Poll Results: Will you watch the inauguration on Jan. 20?

Earlier this week, we asked readers “Will you watch the inauguration on January 20th?” A grand total of 1,856 respondents quickly answered the question following a contentious last few days in American politics.