A Plan to Save America

I had an enlightening conversation with 1776 Action founder, Adam Waldeck, about the spread of anti-American sentiment and CRT in our country.

Newt Gingrich Where are they Going?

Where are they Going?

Watching television coverage of people crossing the border illegally at our southern border I began to wonder: where are they going?

Newt Gingrich The Higher Inflation and Bigger Debt Act 2

The Higher Inflation and Bigger Debt Act

growing inflation is virtually suicidal. If the economy keeps slowing, and the inflation keeps rising, the 2022 election will be a drowning time for failed Democrats.

Newt Gingrich It’s Time to Balance the Budget

It’s Time to Balance the Budget

The only way to deal with a spending mess the size of the Biden-Democratic program is to re-establish the goal of a balanced budget.