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Attacks on Churches Harm America’s Communities

If America is to remain the world’s leading champion and defender of religious freedom around the world, we must first ensure that every American has the right to worship freely and in accordance with his or her conscience here in the United States.

Newt Gingrich Liz Cheney, Merrick Garland, and President Abraham Lincoln

Liz Cheney, Merrick Garland, and President Abraham Lincoln

As President Abraham Lincoln warned, “public sentiment is everything.” It is that public sentiment which repudiated Cheney in Wyoming. It is that public sentiment which will repudiate any effort to legally rig the game so Trump can’t run.

Has the FBI Crossed the Rubicon?

Has the FBI Crossed the Rubicon?

In response to the outrageous invasion of Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, several people have suggested the deep state in general – and the FBI in particular – have “crossed the Rubicon.”

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Preserving the Legacy of America’s First Cathedral

More than 200 years ago, the cornerstone of America’s first cathedral was laid. Today, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary stands as a representation of America’s history and commitment to religious freedom.