Callista - July 23 piece

Human Trafficking:  A Global Crisis

The 2022 Trafficking in Persons Report and the recognition of this year’s TIP Heroes reinforce our nation’s commitment to eradicating human trafficking.

Joint Piece Educating America’s Little Patriots CG adjusted

Educating America’s Little Patriots

The Little Patriots Program educates in a fun, engaging, and informative way. It is exactly what our country needs to encourage our next generation to learn American history.

Reclaiming the Spirit of 1776

On Independence Day, we reflect together as a nation on a remarkable moment in history 246 years ago, when 56 men from 13 colonies gathered in Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Independence.

Callista Gingrich Lessons for Ukraine from Saint John Paul II’s Legacy of Peace2

Lessons for Ukraine from Saint John Paul II’s Legacy of Peace

Today, Ukrainians face an existential threat. For freedom and peace to triumph, Ukrainians and people around the world should look to Saint John Paul II’s historic pilgrimage to Poland in June of 1979 as a source of strength and hope.

Callista Gingrich Gallager Ukraine Visit

Archbishop Finds Hope in Ukraine

On his recent trip to Ukraine, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States, found hope in the Ukrainian people.