Real Life vs. Politics

As you watch the next few months, just remember that the politics of real life always dominate the politics of politics. If Republicans remember this truth, they may win their biggest victory since 1920 in November.

Callista Gingrich Lessons for Ukraine from Saint John Paul II’s Legacy of Peace2

Lessons for Ukraine from Saint John Paul II’s Legacy of Peace

Today, Ukrainians face an existential threat. For freedom and peace to triumph, Ukrainians and people around the world should look to Saint John Paul II’s historic pilgrimage to Poland in June of 1979 as a source of strength and hope.

Newt Gingrich Build Back Poorer

Build Back Poorer, and Build Back Broke

President Joe Biden’s effort to “build back better” has degenerated into “build back poorer” for the American people and “build back broke” for the American government.

Callista Gingrich Gallager Ukraine Visit

Archbishop Finds Hope in Ukraine

On his recent trip to Ukraine, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States, found hope in the Ukrainian people.

The Trump Presidency That Could Have Been

The Trump Presidency That Could Have Been

Imagine how much more President Donald Trump and his team could have accomplished if they had not had to spend so much of their time and energy preparing for depositions and defending themselves against lies and false charges.

Newt Gingrich The Queen and 13 American Presidents

The Queen and 13 American Presidents

Queen Elizabeth is a truly historic figure. There is something amazing and fascinating about a woman who has served her country at the highest level for 70 years.

Amb Callista L Gingrich Biden Passes the Buck on the Baby Formula Crisis

Biden Passes the Buck on the Baby Formula Crisis

The Biden administration’s blatant and continued failure of leadership has led to a large-scale crisis previously unimaginable in the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world.

Newt Gingrich Gender Identity v3

Gender Identity: Total Confusion

LSAT questionnaire is a good example of the kind of insidious, pro-radical lifestyle biases and prejudices which are being introduced at every level of American society.