Newt gives his post-election analysis with the team from Fox and Friends.


Newt Gingrich
Fox and Friends
Nov 4, 2020


Well, you know, former attorney general of Nevada warned suggestion or eight weeks ago that the Democrats in Nevada were setting up the state to steal it. I was born in Harrisburg, and everybody knows Pennsylvania history that Philadelphia’s the center of vote theft and that the governor did all he could to maximize the opportunity to steal votes in Pennsylvania. Is so I think what you’re going to see is when you sit around and you watch, you know, all evening long six states in which Trump is ahead, you’re asked to believe none of that counts. And you watch decisions to make other states where Biden is barely ahead go into his column, giving him a psychological boost, and you just wonder, you know, what is going on? I will say I was particularly happy last night that Susan Collins survived a wave of money —

And I’m delighted that Senator McConnell is going to be the majority leader of the senate again. And Kevin McCarthy, I think he already the largest number of Latino, black women in history, and they have gained 10 to 15 seats so you’re going to have a very weakened Nancy Pelosi in the house, a solid Republican majority in the senate. And now we’re in a running fight because I think from the president’s perspective, this looked like a setup to steal the presidency by the Democrats and is a very deliberate model of, you know, you send in ballots after the vote, they don’t have to be, have a signature, they don’t is have to have a witness it’s an invitation for vote theft.


Well, I mean, the truth is — [laughter] Yeah. This has been so chaotic that I’m, I hesitate to rely on anything. The pollsters I relied on turned out not to be totally accurate. They were less inaccurate than the traditional mainstream pollsters, but nonetheless, they didn’t get it all right. In Georgia the people I trust most believe that in the end that senator perdue will be reelected, that the president will carry the state and that we will go into a runoff and then Kelly Loeffler will win the runoff in January. But frankly as a historian, this is the most chaotic reminds me of 1876. This is not like, you know, this is not like Florida where you have one county with one particularly bad registrar in 2000. This is nationwide all sorts of things going on. A media which is unbelievably hostile to Trump. And so, if you’re a conservative, you look at all of this, you cannot as a conservative look at this and not feel that the Democrats have done all they could to steal the presidency and that the legal fight the president’s going to wage is exactly right.


I advise him, first of all, to ask Senator McConnell and Senator Graham to have the judiciary committee in the senate open up investigations on all these different states. As I said, Adam Lazoff has been begging people to realize how much Nevada was set up to be stolen by the Democrats. Philadelphia is notorious for a place that steals votes. All of those things ought to be looked at by the law enforcement side, first of all, because those are crimes. Second, I think he should be prepared as Jonathan Turley said, the president should be prepared to file suit in every single state, and he ought to go back and look carefully at Arizona. He shouldn’t assume automatically that was legitimate, and I think he has to continue. The other thing I would say is the more he can be presidential and not candidate-like, the more disciplined he can be in going into this, the better off he’s going to be because the country is tired, the country’s now frightened. And yet the country, as you said it yourself, the country repudiated a wave of democratic money. Just the amount of money I think they spent $3 per vote per citizen in South Carolina. And lost.