Newt talks about President George Washington’s Farewell Address published in 1796.

Newt shares one of the most important speeches in the history of the United States, because it sets the stage for our democracy to continue.  It was written by President George Washington as his “Farewell Address” and published in Philadelphia’s American Daily Advertiser on September 19, 1796.  In 1796, as his second term in office drew to a close, Washington chose not to seek re-election.  He knew the precedence he set would be important for future presidents.  By stepping down from power, he provided the standard of a two-term limit that would eventually be enshrined in the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution.

George Washington’s Farewell Address

George Washington’s Farewell Address – Mount Vernon

Washington’s Farewell Address – United States Senate 

Letter From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [10 May 1796]

Response to Washington’s Farewell Address – Washington Papers

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