The four astronauts selected are NASA’s Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover, Christina Hammock Koch, and Jeremy Hansen from the Canadian Space Agency.  

The crew has more racial and gender diversity than any previous moon mission: Glover will be the first person of color on a lunar mission, while Koch will be the first woman on a lunar mission, according to a NASA statement. This will be the second trip to space for Wiseman, Glover, and Koch, who have each spent time aboard the International Space Station. 

“We are not going to go to the moon right away,” says Koch, per ABC News’s Mary Kekatos and Kiara Alfonseca. “We are going to stay in an amazing high orbit, reaching a peak of tens of thousands of miles while we test out all the systems on Orion and even see how it maneuvers in space. And then, if everything looks good, we are heading to the moon.” 

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